Wednesday, March 27, 2013

"When Life Finally Finds Me"

When life finally finds me
I hope I'm in a place
Where winds are brash
With lots of cash
Wearing a warm embrace

When peace finally finds me
It should see me fit
Where whines are seldom
With toasts to freedom
And compliments to my outfit

When love finally finds me
Fate must match fantasy
Wear fair skin and brunette
With curls and no regret
Behaving bad but classy

When truth finally finds me
I fear it will be too late
Where wishes were cast
With good saved for last
Idle handed me my checkmate


  1. I do like it when rhyme does this. I'm sure there's a clever name for it, but you make it flow naturally, so I can salute that!

    Fit and outfit were a bit of a reach, perhaps, given the quality of the other stanzas, but I'm no poet.

    Another lovely poem. I think I shall add your blog to the list I follow!

    1. Agree with you on the subpar rhyme of fit and outfit-- I actually intended the isolation and irregularity of the drop in quality to simulate the feeling of frivolity! The thing with subtly doing something is that sometimes you miss the mark by making it too weak!

      Thank you for the lovely compliment Joanna, I truly appreciate the follow! I write for the enjoyment for others, so when I succeed it elates me. :)

  2. I agree with Joanna, this has a very good rhyme scheme.I love the use of chess at the end, I've always wanted to write a poem using chess terms and making it sound clever... I might try:)


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